There was a heavy rain storm accompanied by a bad gale of wind which blew the fences down and opened crops to the inroads of stock. The volume of water from the McCarty mill pond which rushed through the broken dam last Saturday was precipitated into the pond at this place, most of the surplus water was carried safely away by the waste way. Later it was noticed the first Mill dam above us belonging to the Messrs Heidermans gave way and has ruined the grist mill by undermining. The dam gave way so that the water completely flooded the lower part of the structure, undermining one corner till the building has careened over a couple of feet toward one corner.
The lower floors were swept out, and all gearing and machinery on those floors has disappeared, although we learn a portion of it was saved. It is a hard looking wreck now. The mill was originally built by Wm. Sigler of this place, some fifteen years ago (1862) and cost about $5000. We hear that it will be rebuilt.