This unidentified newspaper article, dated December 9, 1926 [Sixty Years Ago], was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:
About nine o'clock last Monday night word came from Schneider that they had a big fire in our neighboring town, and were asking for help to get it under control. Several of our citizens went down and helped fight the fire and keep it from spreading any further than it did. C.R. Sherard, local manager of the electric company, left immediately for the scene of the fire, as Schneider has electric current and he wanted to be on the scene in case any wires went down. The fire started in Tom Floyd's restaurant and spread rapidly to the adjoining rooms and soon the garage owned by Vere Taylor and the general store owned by Orville Biers were on fire. The contents of the restaurant were almost a complete loss. In the garage several cars were stored, which were all removed, but some stock and tools in the building were burned. They were able to save some of the fixtures in the Biers store, but a great amount of the stock was destroyed. Mr. Biers had only recently bought the store from Turner Bros, and had opened for business last Saturday. The building in which was located the three business houses was owned by Turner Bros, and it is practically a total loss as the building is so badly damaged that what is left will have to be wrecked. The post office is located in a small building adjoining the one burned, and it was badly damaged. The total loss will reach several thousand dollars which is partially covered by insurance.