Mrs. Ahlgrim was driving the car. The crossing is a bad one and the train was probably right onto the car before it was seen. We received the above meager information just at press time.
Last week we just briefly mentioned the terrible automobile accident at Water Valley which took three lives and seriously hurt two others. The two that were severely injured are improving nicely and there is little doubt but that they will fully recover.
Few particulars can be learned of the accident further than Mrs. Ahlgrim with the four children in the machine were on their way to Max Ahlgrim's who live at the park in Water Valley and it is supposed that when she was crossing the track in front of the train the engine of the automobile was killed on the track and it was impossible to get out of the machine. The only living ones that saw the accident are the little Ahlgrim boy and the little Sirois girl and they are only about six years old, so it is impossible for them to give much of an account of it. The accident was a very sad one and has cast a gloom over this community and the one where the victims resided.
Funeral services were held at Ahlgrim park Saturday and they were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors of the deceased. Rev. W.P. Watt, of the Moody Institute of Chicago, preached the funeral sermon. Interment was made in the Lowell cemetery. Undertaker William Sheets had charge of the burial service.
Those attending the funeral from away were: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rogers and daughter, Nellie Maude, of Dallas, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Stokes, Sheridan, Ind.; Clarence Rogers, Sawgus Center, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahlgrim and Bert Ahlgrim, Gray's Lake, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Ahlgrim, Laporte, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ahlgrim and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ahlgrim, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schutt, Mrs. Bertha Luther, Mrs. Rudolph Timmerman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ahlgrim, Edward Ahlgrim, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Langille, Mr. and Mrs. Damerald, Chicago; Ed. Fuller, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oakes and brothers, Ernest, Frank, George, Howard and Alfred, Kankakee, Ill.; Mrs. Best and son, William, and Mrs. Murphy, Morocco.
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