"Business Men of 1899" (news article) |
1899 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
"Farmers Home -- Tavern and Restaurant" (news article) |
-- |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
Greyhound Bus ticket |
1951 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
"Kenney Store -- Orchard Grove" (news article) |
-- |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
article with photos of Lassen Resort & Lassen Garage |
1920's |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"Lowell's First Hearse" (newspaper photo) |
-- |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
"McGonigal Harness Shop" (news article) |
1900 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
"Meals on Wheels Program Continues Growth" |
1980 -- news article |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Monon coach ticket |
1960 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Roberts Drug Store pill box |
-- |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Shell service station -- photo |
-- |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Shell service station -- photo |
-- |
4th Box CD-Rom |
plat of the Town of Lowell |
1853 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"Lowell Back in the Seventies" (news article) |
1873 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"News of Lowell and Community in 1898 Reveals Many Still Familiar Names and Places" (news article) |
1898 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
"Three Creeks Monument" (news article) |
1904 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
Three Creeks Monument commemorative ribbon |
1905 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Monument Square postcard |
1908 postmark |
4th Box CD-Rom |
photo -- Commercial Ave. west from depot |
1908 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
photo -- Lowell street scene |
1915 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
Lowell Post Office -- 5-year lease |
1922 |
William Morey CD-Rom |
Lowell Post Office -- 5-year lease |
1926 |
William Morey CD-Rom |
Monon train wreck (various news articles) |
1952 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
6 Monon Train wreck photos |
1952 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Lowell Centennial -- news articles, wooden nickels, etc. |
1952 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"Scenes of Lowell's Worst Flood in 60 Years" (news article) |
Oct. 14, 1954 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
various news articles on businesses, water, parks, town matters, etc. |
1977 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
news article on Old Fashioned Autumn Day tour |
2001 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"Taking a Sneak Peak: Halsted House Museum Opens. . ." (news article) |
July 20, 2002 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
Sesquicentennial Costume Ball stickers |
2002 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Lowell Sesquicentennial decal |
2002 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
graduation photo |
1889 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
2nd high school, Main St. (photocopied picture) |
built in 1896 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
"Orchard Grove. . .Landmarks of the Past" (newspaper photo) |
1895 |
Wreath Box CD-Rom |
West Creek schoolhouse (photocopied picture) |
ca. 1900 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
South Eagle Creek District 4 souvenir card |
1906/7 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Indiana High School Commission certificate |
1909 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Eagle Creek Schools Commencement invitation |
1910 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Main Street school photo |
1910 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
Cedar Creek Twp. Schools Commencement program |
1913 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
3rd high school (photocopied picture) |
1915 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
LHS Commemcement Exercises tickets |
1915 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
West Creek Twp. Commemcement program |
1916 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
West Creek Commencement program |
1917 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
LHS Commencement Exercises announcement |
1920 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
West Creek Twp. Schools Commencement program |
1920 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
LHS Junior-Senior Banquet program |
1924 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
LHS Junior-Senior Banquet program |
1925 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
LHS Commencement announcement and program |
1925 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Sheridan School students -- group photo |
1926/7 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
Sheridan School students -- group photo |
1926/7 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
Sheridan School, Miss Dahl's class -- group photo |
1929 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
Sheridan School students -- group photo |
1929 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
Skyrocket (various issues of the LHS newspaper) |
1926-30 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
Skyrocket (4 issues of the LHS newspaper) |
1929-30 |
4th Box CD-Rom |
Holy Name School students -- group photo |
1932 |
5th Box CD-Rom |
"Tri-Creek Board Upholds 'God's Word,' Bans Witchcraft" (news article) |
1972 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
various news articles about Tri-Creek School System |
1977 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
hand-written notes on past schools, teachers, etc. |
-- |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
attendance sheet |
1975 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
various news articles |
1970's-80's |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
drafts of amendments, articles, bylaws, constitution |
1970's-80's |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
LHS Career Day certificate |
2000 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
Three Creeks Hist. Assn. brochure |
-- |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
Christmas Parade of Lights certificate |
2003 |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
info. on various donations |
-- |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |
undated group photo with identifications on back |
-- |
Misc. Box -- Lowell Info CD-Rom |