on the South Side of Commercial Avenue
Martha Smith Hat Shop
Sears Roebuck Dept. Store / Dr. James, DDS (upstairs)
Post Office
Pletcher & Spindler Hardware
Sheets Furniture
Bill and Jack Weaver
Nina's Dress Shop
Red Devil Restaurant
Ashton's Dress Shop
Gene Buckley Tavern
A.B. Hayhurst Cardinal Grocery Store
Tanner's Barber Shop / F.V. Hayden Insurance (behind)
Virginia Clark Beauty Shop
Lowell National Bank
Sickinger's Jewelry Store
Robert's Drug Store
Dr. Gordon, DDS
Dr. Bill Combs medical (Ritz Theater was an empty building)
Fred Minninger Toggery
Amidei 5 & 10 Cent Store
Matt's Restaurant
Frick Pool Hall
Cullen Garage
Kalvaitis Beauty Shop
Hepp's Tavern
Harding Implement
George Hathaway Food Store
Herb Boyen's Garage
West Side Hardware
Bob Genda Ford Garage
Hal Weaver filling station
north side
Pontiac Garage
Ralph Hudson's Electric Shop
Ruby (Zander) Hotel and restaurant
Felder's filling station
corner of Liberty and Washington going east
Tyler Elevator
Wilbur Lumber Company
Ohlenkamp Farm Equipment
Cunningham Coal
Graves Machine Shop
Bolt's I.G.A. (on south side of Washington)
Graves garage
Randolph garage
Standard Oil filling station
on Mill Street - west side
on Mill Street - east side
Dairy Bar and restaurant
Belanger's Implement & Feed
corner of Mill & Commercial - empty building
Esser's Home Furnishings
Robert's Law Office
Van Nada Insurance (father Fred) and Law Office (son Charles) / Belshaw Law Office (above)
Frank Gullstrom Drugstore
on Clark Street
Cooper's TV Store
Dick Nichols Plumbing
Illinois Bell Telephone building
Lowell Tribune - Charles Surprise editor
Belanger's Implement on west side of Clark
corner of Commercial & Clark going east
Corner Barber Shop
Lynch Insurance Agency
Heuson Sweet Shop
F.C. McCarty barber
Brannon Insurance
Lowell Home Supply Hardware
Frank Johnson second hand shop
Hoshaw shoe repair
Eleanor Buckley Beauty Shop
Masonic Hall
Dr. John Mirro, medical
at corner of Nichols & Commercial
Warne Royal Blue Store on south
Bueck Jeweler on north