from Goodspeed, Weston A., ed. Counties of Porter and Lake Indiana. Chicago: F.A. Battery & Co., 1882. p. 645:
THOMAS DICKINSON was born in Yorkshire, Eng., December 30, 1821, and, in 1828, came to the United States with his parents. His father, Henry Dickinson, was a farmer. After coming to America, he located in Philadelphia, where he remained three years. In 1833, he moved to Carroll County, Ohio, with his family, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising, and became one of the most extensive sheep-raisers in that country. About 1850, Mr. Dickinson removed to Morgan County, Ohio, where he and wife died and are buried. Thomas Dickinson received but a limited education; was reared on the farm of his father, and on August 9, 1846, was married to Rachel Miller, a native of Carroll County, Ohio, after which he followed farming and threshing until 1851, when he moved to Morgan County, following, grist and saw milling for nine years. In 1860, he emigrated West; was pleased with Indiana, and located in Cedar Creek Township, Lake County, which has since been his home. He purchased 170 acres at 814 per acre, but has added thereto until he now owns 380 acres, one of the best farms in the county, of which he is one of the most progressive and enterprising farmers; he has at present two full-blooded Clydesdale colts. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson are parents to nine children--Minerva (now Mrs. E. L. Watson), Charles (deceased), Mary C. (deceased), Frank (deceased), Susanna (now Mrs. Allen), William T. (husband of Lida Miller), Edmund, Byron and Grant. The three deceased died within twenty days of each other, from malignant scarlet fever. In politics Mr. Dickinson is a Republican.
Obituary of Thomas Dickinosn--unknown source (in Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Vital Statistics," Vol. 1, p. 98).
Thomas Dickinson was born in Yorkshire, England, December 30, 1821, and died at his home near Lowell, Indiana, Dec. 16, 1891, at the age of 69 years, 11 monts and 16 days. In 1830, he with his father's family, came to this country, settling in Philadelphia, remaining three years, again removing to Carroll county, Ohio, where he was married to Miss Rachel Miller. To this union were born 6 boys and 3 girls, six of which, four boys and two girls, survive their father. He has been in quite poor health for sometime, but the immediate cause of his death was lung fever. In 1860 he came to this state and has resided near Lowell ever since. He was an honest, upright and industrious man; honored and respected by all who knew him. By his industry and economy he accumulated a large property for his family. So by his honest and uprightness he bequethed to his children something far greater than riches: a good name.
In early youth he was baptised and in late years while not making any spoken profession of religion, he had so lived that he felt no fears for the furure expressing a willingness to die. His funeral which was very largely attended took place from the family residence, Friday, Dec. 18 at one o'clock p.m, Rev. J.L. Worley officiating. Interment in the Lowell cemetery. The aged wife, children and friends have the sympathy of this entire community. A good man has fallen.