This story from an unknown source was found in the Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Crime and Criminals"
(Sixty Years Ago)
February 11, 1932
Last Sunday Otto Fifield, former secretary of State, of Crown Point, drove down to see how things were going thru the winter, and in his trip over the farm he discovered that thieves had butchered a fine steer and took the hind quarters only, carting them away in an auto, leaving the balance of the beef to go to waste...Examination showed that the steer had been killed by a blow on the head with an ax and that the burchery had occurred several days before. This is a new kind of thievery and is identical to one that occurred near Wabash some time ago. Mr. Fifield immediately notified the sheriff and efforts are being made to locate the parties that did the butchering.