Bank Hold-up

While the following newspaper article does not mention the John Dillinger gang as being the actual bank robbers at the Lowell National Bank, this gang robbed several other Indiana banks around this time. The Three Creek Bicentennial Book, 1776-1976 however, has an exciting story about this same robbery, and credits the incident to the John Dillinger gang.

from the Lowell Tribune, May 25, 1933, page 1
Also in the Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Crime and Criminals" NOTE: Unfortunately, this is where the article ended, as there was no continuation of the story anywhere in the paper. The ending of another story on this same robbery, however, appeared in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal. It was hand-labeled "continued from pate 7," and reads as follows:
Last updated on April 23, 2008.

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