When the bandits got their job finished they backed their car out in the street and headed east. We are told that when they passed Marshal Williams, who was working near the square, they waved at him and he waved back. Art did not know what was going on as he had not been downtown. The last word of any place they were seen in Lowell was in the northeast part of town. It seems they drove west as far as Burnham Street and went north and left town on the road going past the Catholic cemetery. Word has been received that the men were traced as far as Chicago Heights. The Sheriff's office was notified at once and they had road police on the job, but they had quite a start and the probability is that they never will be captured.
A check-up of the cash after the hold-up showed that the robbers got about $5,000 in currency. They did not take the silver money. The bank is fully insured against the loss.
It is an experience that the bank employees do not want repeated and it is to be hoped that it never will.
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