This article was found in the Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Businesses."
It was copied from the Souvenir Album of Lake County, Indiana, 1906.
The Keilman & Co.
Is one of Lowell's large and old established firms. It was established in 1880 under the name of DuBreuil & Keilman, an elevator being built that and the following year with a capacity of 60,000 bushels.
In 1889 a grist-mill was added with a capacity of 75 barrels per day. John A. Kimmet, the present efficient manager, has been connected with the firm since 1881. In 1892, DuBreuil having died, Mr. Kimmet became a partner and has been the practical head of the company since.
In 1902 a large lumber shed was added to the equipment. They now handle grain, tile, brick, cement, lumber, glass, paints, in fact, anything that enters into the construction of a modern building. Their trade is extensive and far-reaching. They make frequent shipments to Chicago, Chicago Heights, Frankfort, Madison and various other points north and south, east and west.