This March 1, 1917, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, column 3:
Twenty-six Years Old
On the night of February 26, 1891, Lowell lodge No. 300 K. of P. was organized in Lowell with a charter membership of 32. Tuesday night the lodge celebrated the twenty-sixth anniversary of its organization by having a banquet and short program. There was a good attendance of the members and their wives at the meeting and the meeting was running over with good will and enthusuasm. Out of the original charter members nine still hold membership in the lodge, namely: S.H. Petrie, Paul Hathaway. P.M. McNay, E.F. Chapman, Edson Moore, L.E. Bailey, Solon Hayden, William Love and G.W. Lawrence. The first three mentioned were in attendance Tuesday night. The lodge has since its organization enjoyed a substantial growth, and has taken in since the night of organization, 214 members; 17 members of the lodge have died. The present membership of the lodge is 111. The lodge owns its own hall. After the banquet was served a short program was rendered, consisting of talks. P.M. McNay gave a history of the lodge from the date of its organization until the present time. Paul Hathaway gave a short talk on the order. S.H. Petrie, the other charter member present, was called on for a few remarks, but owing to his extreme bashfulness, it would have taken a block and tackle to raise him out of his chair, so he was excused. Other members present gave short talks. At a late hour the meeting broke up and all went to their homes feeling they had spent a very pleasant evening. We congratulate Lowell lodge K. of P. on their twenty-sixth birthday.
Last updated on May 6, 2008.
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