Some forty miles from Chicago by car, bus, train and one-half mile east of the Crown Point-Lowell highway is located the finest and most picturesque artificial lake in the United States. Here in the course of the ages was born Cedar Creek and here during the centuries that have passed, this roving little rivulet forced its way through the hills of Lake County, winding in its graceful curves its sparkling waters wended their leisurely way towards the sea. Along its shores earlier settlers of Southern Lake County builded their farms and for a century the land had been tilled and yielded forth its rich agricultural products.
In the spring time the waters of Cedar Creek would raise and form tiny lakes. These miniature pools would empty again in the creek and the rich hills would bring forth another abundant crop.
It was but a few years ago that a number of prominent Chicago and Lake County, Indiana businessmen and realty experts, realizing the potential beauty of this romantic region, where the water of Cedar Lake impounded to form a lake that would at once become one of the most beauteous spots in the entire West, a corporation was formed and sufficient capital was at once subscribed to make this dream of potential beauty come true. The services of the country's best known landscape architect was secured and plans were made, hundreds of acres of surrounding farm lands were purchased, the work of transformation was begun and thus was born Lake Dalecarlia, considered by thousands who have visited this charming and alluring place to assert that it is the most beautiful and ideal artificial lake in the West.
The Wonder Lakes Development Corporation, the corporate name of the company owning Lake Dalecarlia, expended thousand of dollars in beautifying the lake and surrounding hills and in plotting the banks of the lake with large lots, many of which were sold long before the project was completed. Enough of the potential beauty was seen to satisfy the purchaser that this was the most inviting spot to erect a cottage and to spend the summer months of each year. However, as it was primarily intended for summer homes, many found that the lake was an ideal place for a permanent dwelling place lying close as it does to a fine trading center, Lowell, Ind., which is but 3 1/2 miles away. Another feature which has made Lake Dalecarlia a permanent home place is the low rate of taxes imposed.
Lake Dalecarlia is fed with natural springs and its beautiful shore line of more than seven miles is dotted with comfortable and cozy homes. The entire property owned by the Wonder Lake Development Company is private and all water, parks, drives and playgrounds are dedicated to the use of property owners in Dalecarlia. Social activities are provided with an affiliation with the Dalecarlia Country Club and this provides the social life and governs the community with the restrictions thereon. Sports are provided at all seasons of the year, spring, fall, winter and summer; and with the bountiful sunshine, recreation here is provided under an ideal atmosphere.
Its close proximity to Chicago, Gary, Hammond, Lowell and other places makes it possible for the business man to spend practically the entire summer with his family, while they are partaking of the many diverse enjoyments provided: fishing, golf, boating, bathing, etc. Electric and telephonic service and the excellent roads all add to the enjoyment of all. In fact everything that nature, man and machinery can accomplish has been provided.
The cost of lots has been greatly reduced this year, owing to the prevalent conditions, and this reduction has been the magnet that has this early in the 1933 season, attracted many new lot buyers.
The Lowell Tribune has attempted in this article to describe this ideal spot, but to realize its natural beauty, and to enjoy the manifold attractions offered, the reader should pay a visit to Lake Dalecarlia, meets its courteous representative and sales agents and we venture to safely assert that you will also be one of the thousands who will be converted to its charms.
Information relative to Lake Dalecarlia will be gladly given, either by a personal call, or by writing to Wonder Lake Development Cooperation, Post Office Box 239. Lowell, Indiana.
With the assistance of the late Herman Burnham, option was obtained on 3,100 acres, and the Wonder Lakes Development Corporation was formed. Stock was sold in Lake County, Ind., and Cook County, Ill.
D.C. Hamacher was elected president of the cooperation with Albert Peterson as vice president and James O. Dickson as secretary-treasurer.
A dam was constructed at the site of the old Carsten Mill, permitting spill waters to drain into a little tributary of Cedar Creek.
The area is also blessed with natural springs which supply a constant flow of sparkling fresh waters to the lake.
Real Community
A hilly area, where in the springtime the waters of southern Lake County's roving little rivulet, Cedar Creek, would rise and form many tiny lakes, receding again into the creek and the rich hills would bring forth another abundant crop.
Lake Dalecarlia has become a community on its own. More and more families select it as the site of their year-around residence and civic-minded persons help to defeat community apathy to get the lake improved.
Hamacher to Stay
Many civic and social clubs, including a community church have organized on the lake, continually making it a better place to live and a better place in which to have fun.
D.C. Hamacher recently announced that the corporation, which made a dream a reality, is planning to dissolve. But for D.C. Hamacher, Lake Dale will remain his home.
Go to Lake Dalecarlia, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.
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