from the Lowell Tribune, Nove. 20, 1930, page 1
Also in the Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Crime and Criminals"
Last Thursday about 1 p.m. two negroes, carrying guns and purporting to be hunters, entered the Ross LaRue filling station, three miles east of Lowell on State Rd. No. 2. They asked for two bottles of pop. Mr. LaRue got their drinks & the negroes tendered a quarter in payment & when Ross turned from the cash register to hand them their change, he found himself covered with guns in the hands of the robbers. They told him to lie down on the floor, and then they proceeded to go thru his pockets and the cash register, securing in all about $18. While he was down on the floor, one of the negroes kicked him in the ribs and Ross was pretty sore the next day.
About the time the robbery was over, a white man drove up in a car and came into the room, and the robbers told him to put up his hands and asked him if he could drive a car. When he said that he could, they told him they would use him, but without doubt the man was a party to the robbery. As soon as possible Ross notified the Sheriff, but no trace has been found of the men.
Mr. LaRue informed us that he thought nothing of the men coming in, as it is an every day occurrence for hunters to come in and get refreshments. The robbers locked the door to the living room, and this cost them about $50, as it gave Mrs. LaRue a chance to hide that amount without them seeing her. The men cut the telephone wires before they left and ordered Mr. LaRue not to stir for ten minutes after they left. It is to be hoped that the thieves will be caught and punished as they deserve.
The following unidentified newspaper article, hand-dated February 3, 1955, was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:
Ross LaRue was an overnight guest in the C.U. Ragon home Friday. After spending several weeks visiting in Florida, Ross was enroute to his home at Rib Lake, Wis. Ross and Jim Ellinger recently disposed of the grocery and market which they operated near Rib Lake.