October 10, 1868. A pound was ordained and it was unlawful to let run at large in the corporation, horses, cattle, sheep or hogs.
July 10, 1871. Marshall shall receive 17 cents per head for impounding cattle.
August 28, 1880. All bowery dances were taxed $300 per day and all candy stores $200 per day, except national holidays on which bowery dances will be $500 and candy stands $250.
February 13, 1888. On complaint of John Hack an ordinance was passed that barbed wire fence should not be allowed along any sidewalk within the corporation.
August 13, 1888. Restriction made on boys and young men loafing around the depot of the L.N.A. and C.R.R., also jumping on and off trains.
April 4, 1892. Town Trustees ordered the public square to be fenced. Said fence to be of cedar posts and gas pipes to be 2 inches in size.
July 5, 1897. All weeds along streets and on vacant lots over one foot tall to be declared a nuisance and cut by property owners.
October 4, 1887. Unlawful to leave a team upon the streets or unenclosed land within the corporation.
June 5, 1871. Moved that going in swimming in the state of nudity in the daylight be prohibited under the penalty of not to exceed three dollars.
NOTE: One wonders if a decimal point was missing from this account or the Bowery dance and candy store tax ordinances.
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