Pictured above is the graduating class of Lowell high school, 1911, seated in the same order as on graduation day. We call the roll from left to right: seated -- Mrs. Charles (Agnes Berg) Eich, Mrs. Harry (Lillian Ribbentrop) White, Mrs. Herbert (Clara Huebsch) Rieke, Mrs. V. (Julia Nelson) Diggs, Mrs. C.M. (Kathryn Einspahr) McVey, Mrs. Roy (Elta Childress) Windbigler. Center row -- Mrs. Minor (Anna Einspahr) Collins, Mrs. Frank (Bertha Klein) Oberembt, Mrs. Frank (Hilda Bailey) Strickland, Jr., Mrs. Charles (Ida Schilling) Nichols, Mrs. Frank (Hulda Poppe) Parsons, Mrs. Peter (Lilly Schilling) Greiser, Mrs. Olan (Clara Nitsche) Milliman. Standing -- Earl Bailey and G. McKinley Deathe.
One absentee, Dawn Hatter Lawman of 108 W. Union St., Manchester, Iowa, was greatly missed.
A most remarkable fact is that all members of the class are living and truly enjoying life. Distance proved no barrier -- each responded enthusiastically to the call for reunion.
The classmates with their husbands, wives and some of their children as guests, gathered in the dining room of the First Methodist Church, Lowell, Saturday, July 7, 1951, and after an exchange of warm greetings and introductions, relished a delicious chicken dinner served by the Women's Society of Christian Service. Long tables were grouped to form a square around a center table adorned with an arrangement of beautiful Marshinele roses, the class flower, and burning tapers. The dinner tables were artfully decorated in cream and yellow, the class colors. Diners found their places around the outer edge of the souvenir cards which pictured the school and provided autograph space, and were inscribed with the following poem written by Classmate Hilda Bailey Strickland:
Julia Nelson Diggs, senior class president, read a letter written to the class by Principal W.S. Painter who now resides in Fort Wayne. He extended greetings and expressed regret that ill health prevented his attendance. Julia also read a telegram of greetings and regrets received from Dawn Hatter Lawman.
Acting as master of ceremonies, Earl Bailey called the roll and each member of the class responded with a brief account of events transpired since graduation and each recalled school day incidents. The jokes played on teachers by the teenagers of 1911 retained all their humor when recalled by this now dignified group of elders. Comments on fun in teacher Will Morey's classes furnished merriment anew. Julia recalled the fad of their high school days -- wearing bells on their ankles!
Several of the class members attended business colleges or universities following graduation from high school.
Attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Deathe, who came from Richmond, Calif., Mrs. Milliman from Williamson, N.Y., Mrs. Greiser from Beemer, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Diggs from Shaker Heights, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons from Dugger, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Oberembt from South Bend, Mr. and Mrs. White from Chicago, Mrs. McVey and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols from Crown Point, Mr. and Mrs. Rieke from Cedar Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Windbigler and Mr. and Mrs. Eich, all from the Lowell community.
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