The following August 23, 1928, [Sixty Years Ago] article from an unidentified source was found in one of Town Historian Richard Schmal's scrapbooks:
The first reunion of the Class of 1923 of Lowell high school was held at Noble Oaks park, Cedar Lake, Sun., Aug. 19. Fourteen members of the class and twelve guests were present. At twelve o'clock a sumptuous basket dinner was enjoyed by everyone and delicious anniversary cake made by Mrs. Marguerite Cunningham. A short business followed and it was decided to make the reunion an annual event. Members of the class present were: Fodelete Rumsey, Marguerite (Bowman) Cunningham, Louise (Miller) Tanner, Helen Schilling, Anita Daum, Rachel Dodge, Doris Reeves, Sarah Ruge, Ruby Rudolph, Raymond Kimmet, Elwin Love, Everett Schultz, Elton Little and Archie Childress.