Classmates attending were: Allen and Dorothy Austin, Sr., Evansville; Jim and Sharon Bolt, Wheatfield; Terry and Eleanor Borem, Columbus, OH, attending his first reunion; Joe and Sandra Boston, Monticello; Terry and Janice Buchmier, Lowell; Sandy Burger, Lowell; Ron and Mary Beth Bydalek, Schererville; Sonny and Jannon Pattee-Clark, Knox; Jim and Ruth Ann Cummins, Cedar Lake; Larry and Phyllis Cunningham, Lowell;
Also, Karen Luchene-Christenson, Lake Village, and her daughter Tina; Jim and Shirley Fetsch, Lowell; Dave and Elsie Garner, Miami, FL; Bill and Janice Hardesty, Lowell; Jeff and Karen Hamman-Henke, Lake Dale; Rosetta Tuttle Hotler, Lowell, and her daughter, Sarah; Linda Thomason-Hugg, Lowell; Mike and Sandra Huseman-Morsure, Wausaw, WI; Jim and Carol Gleason-Pavich, Valparaiso; John and Peggy Tolan-McJannet, Lake Dale;
Also, Jack and Shirley Stratton-McKeon, Fairview Hts., IL; Rick and Mary Fetsch-McIntire, Lowell; Bill and Priscilla Holley-Mercier, Portage, MI; Tim and Jeanette Eskridge-Pratt, Lowell; Rodney and Elaine Reed, Hebron; Ben and Peg Rouse, Lake Village; John and Sharon Saberniak-Steele, Greenville, SC; Jay and Kay Sheehy, Cedar Lake; Mike and Evelyn Snipes, DeMotte; Rick and Sherry Cox-Speichert, Wheatfield;
Also, Jim and Carol Urbanczyk-Snell, Pearland, TX; Bill and Donna Travis, Lowell; Jim and Lenore Unger, Davison, MI; Craig and Darlene "Bobbi" Zbinden-Wietbrock, Lowell; Sharon Woodburn, St. Germaine, WI; and Bill and Pat Phillips-Woodke, Lowell.
After dinner a class photo was taken, followed by a short program with Linda Hugg and Jeff Henke in charge. Each classmate told the group a little bit about their lives since school.
Jim Cummins then lead the special tribute to military veteran classmates and spouses. He read the following list of 26 names, rank, and branch of each who served in the military; Allen Austin, Navy; Terry Borem, Army; Terry Buchmier, Army; Jim Cummins, Army; Richard McIntire, Marines, spouse of Mary Fetch; Dave Gerner, Army; Joe Pavich, Army, deceased; Wayne Lemp, Marine, spouse of Judy Hamann; Bill Hardesty, Army; Jeff Henke, Air Force; John Hornickle, Air Force; Mike Mosier, Navy, spouse of Sandy Huseman; Vince Maniscalo, Army, deceased;
Also, Melvin Perzee, Air Force; Mike Snipes, Army; Shirley Stratton, Air Force; John McJannett, Air Force, spouse of Peggy Tolan; John Steele, Air Force, spouse of Sharon Saberniak; James Snell, Marines, spouse of Carol Urbanczyk; Don Wonnacott, Air Force; Bill Woodke, Coast Guard; Craig Wietbrock, Air Force, spouse of Bobbi Zbinden; Bob Hoyt, Air Force; Herman Pigg, Navy, deceased; Bill Miller, Navy; Bill Kiethley, Air Force.
Each classmate received a button with their high school photo on it, courtesy of Linda and George Hugg. A special quilt was made by Karen Christianson and Rosetta Hotler that had all the senior class photos on it, a photo of the old high school they attended, sesquicentennial squares, colorful 60's era squares, and blank squares for autographs, won by Larry Cunningham.
The reunion is held every five years and this one coincided with the Labor Day weekend of activities for attendees. In addition to the town activities, Rick and Sherry Cox-Spiechart hosted a picnic at their Wheatfield home on Sunday. One of the attractions was the original soda fountain and counter from the Robert's Drug Store where many had gathered during their school years.
All has a wonderful evening of dining, dancing, and renewing old acquaintances. A special thanks went to the reunion committee for all their work in putting such an enjoyable event together; Sherry Cox-Spiechart, Jim Cummins, Jeanette Eskridge-Pratt, Mary Fetsch-McIntire, Karen Hamann-Henke, Jeff Henke, Karen Luchene-Christianson, Pat Phillips-Woodke, Linda Thomanson-Hugg, Peggy Tolan -McJannett, Rosetta Tuttle-Hotler, and Bobby Zbinden-Wietbrock.
NOTE -- The following names had more than one spelling in this article and/or the caption under the photo accompanying the article:
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