The Monon Rail Disaster -- May 22, 1952

From the Chicago Sun-Times, May 22, 1952, pages 1 and 3:
From the Hammond Times, May 22, 1952, page 1+:
From the Chicago Herald American, May 22, 1952, page 1:

From the Lowell Tribune and also found in the clipping files at the Lowell Public Library (LH--Lowell, IN--Disasters):
From the Lowell Tribune, May 29, 1952, page 1, and also found in the clipping files at the Lowell Pulbic Library (LH--Lowell, IN--Disasters):

This clipping, from an unknown source, can be found in the Lowell Public Library's clipping files (LH--Lowell, IN--Disasters):
From the Lowell Tribune, May 29, 1952, page 1:
The following June 19, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, columns 3-4. Sadley, the accompanying photo was too blurred to use.
A copy of the following newspaper article, hand-dated August 17, 1953, was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:
Further Information on the Monon Train Wreck in Lowell, Indiana

Last updated on August 18, 2008

For information on other Monon Railroad events in the area, go to Happenings on the Monon Railroad.
Go to Fires--1952--train wreck, "Pioneer History Index," for more information.

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