The entertainment was a grand success; the program consisting of recitations, drills, pantomimes, etc., lasting with the cake contest, more than four hours. Each one on the programme deserves a compliment, each number reflecting great credit on both teacher and pupils. The drills and pantomimes were excellent, the last on the program being an exhibition of statuesque posing in Greek costume by Miss Pattee, her features and facial expressions being hard to excel, in fact she being a whole pantomime herself.
In the cake contest Elsie Craft of this place came out victorious with Miss Clara Johnson, of Egypt, being close second. The friends of Miss Johnson deserve credit for their perseverance, not giving up until it was announced that Sunday morning had arrived.
The receipts were about $40 above expenses. The splendid cake that brought $34.76 was baked by Mrs. Neff, a former resident of Lowell.
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