This unidentified newspaper article, dated Sept. 22, 1949, was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:
Pine Grove schoolmates, little girls of long, long ago -- 66 years -- and one of their teachers, accepted the invitation of Mary Sanger to gather at her home on Sept. 13, 1949, to reminisce school days and intervening years. A delicious pot luckdinner proved so enjoyable that the Pine Grove School Club was organized with Mary Sanger, pres.; Vinnie Hayhurst, vice pres; Lena Lindemer, sec.; and Jessie Pulver, asst. sec. Notes of interest are that the Pine Grove School of West Creek township was discontinued in November 1914, when the Oakland School was completed for occupancy. The pupils were taught by men in the winter and women in the spring and summer. In the winter, teachers walked miles through the snow and hauled wood (illegible words) Former teachers still living are Minnie (Kobelin) Pattee, Denver, Colo.; C.B. Whitmoyer of California; Bessie (Spry) Little, Lowell; Myrtle (Hill) Crook, Rockford, Ill.; E.N. Gragg, Encinitas, Calif. Two members, Mollie (Spry) Larson and Kittie (Robinson) Futhey, passed away since their first get-together. Only one in the group is a great grandmother, the teacher, Bessie Little. Those present were Mary (Bixeman) Sanger, Vinnie (Shirley) Hayhurst, Emma (Cleaver) Dodge, Lura (Pulver) Hayden, Lena (Miller) Lindemer, Minnie (Shirley) Taylor of Chicago; Bessie (Spry) Little, Vira (Harris) Wooldridge, Edith (Hull) Pulver, Oca (Minninger) Foster, Jessie Pulver, and Nancy (Bailey) Love.