The old Baptist Church which stood on this lot well served its day. Many sacred memories cluster about it, and many souls who found Christ so precious to them in this building doubtless were worshipping Him around His throne while were dedicating this new and elegant building, which we trust will become as sacred a place to many of the Lowell worshipers.
The Presbyterian Church was organized February 20, 1904, and bought the old Baptist church property for $600. This accommodated them until November 1906, at which time the old church was torn down and plans laid for the new church. However, not very much was done toward the erection of the new church until March, 1907.
Since the old church was torn down the Presbyterians have held their services in Mr. Hack's hall. The use of this hall has been a very generous gift by Mr. Hack. In the issue of the TRIBUNE, Nov. 18, we find this statement: "It is hard to say where our service will be held next Sunday at Lowell as the old building is being pulled down." But just at this time Mr. Hack volunteered the use of his hall free. We are very grateful to Mr. Hack for the use of his building.
The new church is a beautiful building. The brick work was done by Powell and Latta and the carpenter work by Horace Johnson. The design is a perfect one, architecturally, having been drawn especially for this lot by one of the best firms of architects in this county. The extreme elevation to the top of the spiral is 48 feet. The auditorium is 26 x 40 feet. Facing the rostrum is a small room 14 x 18 feet, having swing doors, which enables it to be thrown into the main auditorium. The seating capacity is about 250. The inside finish is Georgia pine, and it has all been neatly varnished, and presents a most beautiful effect. Rev. Edgar P. Hill, Professor of Homoletics, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, delivered the dedicatory address. He is one of the strongest men of Chicago. Rev. Hill preached at the afternoon and evening services and we hear him spoken of only in the highest terms of praise by those who heard him. The Lake Prairie church choir furnished the music for the morning services; the Christian church choir for the afternoon services and the Methodist church choir for the evening services. About $700 was raised; enough to clear the church of debt and go quite a way toward a furnace and seating the church properly.
Go to Churches--Presbyterian Church--Lowell, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.
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