District No. 1, Cedar Creek township, closed its fourth month of school Friday, January 10.
There has been some sickness, and the extreme cold of the first of December interfered to some extent with the attendance.
The following pupils were neither tardy nor absent during the month: Andrew Cutter, Grace Palmer, Clara Palmer, Ina Hayden, Georgie Hayden and Bert Fuller.
Percent of attendance, 97; average daily attendance, 17 1/2.
Second bi-monthly report of School District No. 12, in West Creek township (Creston School).
No. of pupils enrolled, 30; percent of attendance, 94; average daily attendance, 26; punctuality, 99.
The following pupils have not been absent during the term: Bessie Vallee, Daisy Witter, Dorothy Vinnedgde,* Cecil Witter, Henrietta Palmer and Ella Palmer.
Frank Stuppy, Teacher.
* NOTE -- Dorothy Vinnedge's last name was misspelled in the paper.
Per cent. of attendance, 98
Average daily attendance, 18 2-5.
The following are the names of those who were neither tardy nor absent during the month: Andrew Cutler, Bernie and Georgie Hayden, Clinton, Grace and Clara Palmer, Jada and Ruby Stilson, Mamie and Evelyn Esty.
E.N. Gragg Teacher
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