The following article, hand-identified as being from the Souvenir of Lake County, Indiana, 1906, was found in the local history clipping files at the Lowell Public Library:
The high school building and grounds are one of the beauties of Lowell. All is modern, complete, adapted for its purpose. The first building on the grounds was erected by Melvin A. Halsted, who made the bricks, broke the ground and courageously stood by the enterprise till it was completed, largely at his own expense. The present building was erected on the old site in 1896, at a cost of $16,000. The present school board is Albert Hull, Pres.; John A. Kimmet, Sec'y; Wm. Love, Treas. The faculty for 1906 is Homer B. Dickey, Supt.; Gertrude Matteson, H.S. Principal; Olga H. Harter, H.S. Ass't.; Rose Kimmet, Sup't. of Music. The teachers of the graded school are: E.N. Gragg, seventh and eighth grades; Nola Calkins, sixth; Bessie Purdy, fourth and fifth; Mabel Huston, second and third; Estella Foster, first. A larger proportion of youth from this community enter the high school and pass from it to colleges than from any other part of the county.