The official enrollment will be concluded at the end of the second week of school, when the total net enrollment is reported to the State Department of public instruction. The official total is not expected to differ materially from the unofficial total reported here. Classes have been in full session from the beginning day, and most of them are filled to overflowing. The class totals will be made available to the Tribune readers as soon as the enrollment is established at the conclusion of the second week of school according to Mr. Dick, L. H. S. Principal.
Class Officers
Class officers have been elected and installed as follows:
Freshman: James Tully, president; Everett Ballou, vice president; Peggy Monet, secretary-treasurer.
Sophomore: Eddie Sharkey, president; Bob Hall, vice president; Jeanann Brown, secretary-treasurer.
Junior: Rondal Hunter, president; Robert Peterson, vice president; Norma Forburger, secretary-treasurer.
Senior: Ed Kormendy, president; Ronald Bruce, vice president; Ila Mae Doty, secretary-treasurer.
Student Council officers for the school year are as follows: Ronald Bruce, president; Betty Albery, vice president; and Juanita Midkiff, secretary-treasurer.
Population count by grades is as follows: kindergarten, 61, the teacher is Mrs. McMahon; 1st grade, Mrs. Heath, 40; 1-A, Mrs. Selvidge, 28; 2nd grade, Miss Reprogle, 33; 2-A, Mrs. Miller, 30; 3rd grade, Mrs. Schissler, 35; 3-A (at town hall), Mrs. Max, 32; 4th grade, Miss Parks, 41; 5th grade, Mrs. Downs, 43; 6th grade, Mr. Caldwell, 41; 6-7th grades, Mrs. Yates, 30; 7th grade, Mr. McLellan, 37; 8th grade, Miss Merrill, 41.
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