Abbie Burnette Simpson (1884-1905)
Edith Mabel Simpson (1883-1905)

A copy of this article, originally in the Lowell Tribune (Thursday, November 9, 1905), can be found in the Local History Files at Lowell Public Library (-LH--"Vital Statistics," Vol. 3, p. 15):
From the Star, Nov. 10, 1905, and also found in the Lowell Public Library clipping file (LH--Disasters):
From the Star, November 17, 1905, and also found in the clipping files at the Lowell Public Library (LH--Disasters):

NOTE -- Although this article lists Mary Eliza Smith as Mrs. John Smith, family researcher Tom Grant lists her husband's name as James W. Smith. (See the Pioneer History article on the Driscoll family.)

Another short article from the Star, Nov. 17, 1905, and found in the clipping files (LH--Disasters):
A copy of this undated news article from an unknown source was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard C. Schmal:
A copy of this article from an unknown source can be found in the Local History Files at the Lowell Public Library (LH--Vital Statistics, vol 2, page 80):
Last updated on May 6, 2013.

Go to Abbie B. Simpson, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.
Go to Edith B. Simpson, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.

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