This Lowell Tribune article was found in the November 20, 1947, issue (page 1, column 6):
First Television Set Installed in Lowell
W.R. (Bill) Weaver, local appliance dealer, had another first to his credit yesterday when workmen installed a television set in his store, the first one in Lowell. Bill, who will handle television sets in conjunction with his line of radios, says the one installed in his show room will be used as a demonstrator, but he will now have more friends who will call on him regularly than he ever knew he had. They will be especially friendly on nights that sports events are televised.
The set, equipped with a 10-inch tube, has a screen approximately nine inches square and requires a 25-foot metal aerial which has been set up on the roof of his building. The aerial also can be used for regulation radios and will serve more than one television set.