The following unidentified newspaper article was in a collection owned by Lowell Town Historian Richard Schmal:
Modern Woodman Organize.
A local camp of Modern Woodmen of America was organized in Lowell last Monday night by Organizer Deets with a charter membership of twenty-five. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: V.C., Dr. Quincy; W.A., Herman Burnham; Clerk, Hiram Haskin; Banker, Mark A. Palmer; Escort, Theodore Cutler; Watchman, L.P. Lavender; Sentry, A. Markee; Delegate, J.H. Spindler; Alternate, David Miller; Camp Physician, Dr. Quincy; Managers: Willie Hayden, H.V. Weaver, E. W. Pulver; C.F., George Wood.