Second Row -- Lawrence Turnquist, Elliot Belshaw, Leslie Bruce, Archie Childress, Paul Berg, Harry Steward, Harold Beach, Neil Bahr.
Third Row -- Mr. Lansford (Advisor), Sarah Ruge, Sylvia Rudolph, Helen Vinnedge, Fondelette Rumsey, Bertha Stenerson, Lila Stolberg, Ruth Taylor, Rachel Dodge, Ruby Rudolph, Helen Schilling, Malcolm Pattee, Everett Schultz.
Fourth Row -- Elton Little, Elwin Love, Sherard Henry, Manford Pattee, Claire Futhey, Raymond Kimmet, Fabian Henry, Harold Sanger, Schuyler Fitch.
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Class Flower: Sunburst Rose
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Class Motto: The stars our camp; the Deity our light
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