Invocation.............................................Rev. J.E. Jones
"Song of Welcome"
"Six O'clock on the Bay".......................Shelby Chorus
Drill.......................................................Robinson Prairie School
Games...................................................Sheridan School
Flag Drill................................................Egypt School
Military Drill...........................................Oakland School
Folk Dance............................................Schneider School
"Memories" ...........................................Shelby Grammar School
Piano Solo..............................................Ida Wood
Reading..................................................Dorris Clark
"Welcome Pretty Primrose"
"The Boy Scouts"....................................Sheridan Chorus
Vocal Solo..............................................Arthur Meyers
"Columbia...............................................Oakland and Lake Prairie Chorus
Piano Solo," Patriotic Medley".................Hughe C. Hayden
"Star Spangled Banner"............................Audience
Each number on the program was well rendered. The exercise was highly appreciated by all who were in attendance. After the program the diplomas were presented by Superintendent F.F. Heighway.
Buckley school, Leo Kimmet instructor -- Clara Unter, Ida Unter, Esther Worley.
Egypt school, Olive Stevens, instructor -- Cora Anderson, Frank Cable, George Normanson, Edward Normanson.
Robinson Prairie school, Edith Stenerson, instructor -- Alta Rosenthal, Mildred Rosenthal.
Jones school, M.E. Goodwin, instructor -- Milton Spry, Arnold Surprise.
Shelby school, Lily D. Meyers , instructor -- Mary Holton, Valedictory; Bertha Regnier, Salutatory; David E. Parsons, Edwin Johnson, Martha Haskill, Lester F. Davis, Gilbert F. Flewelling.
Schneider school, Clyde Weaver, instructor -- Adolph Black, Velta Ahlgrim, Troy Mansfield.
Oakland school, Murray B. Hayden, instructor -- Vivian Hayden, Valedictory; Theodore Gerner, Salutatory; Harry Ault; Forrest Hayden; Rolland Rudolph; Marguerite Minninger.
Lake Prairie school, Thuel A. Hayden, instructor -- Hughe Hayden, Anna Meyers, Ruth Stuppy, Henry Wietbreck, Freddie Wood.
Sheridan school, E. N. Gragg, instructor -- Viola Davis, Frances McColly.
Creston school, Harvey Dahl, instructor. -- Ida Wood.
The annual commencement exercises were held at the Lincoln school last Saturday night and a large crowd was in attendance despite the very inclement weather. A play entitled "The Brave Little Rebel" was given by the Schiller school and was very highly appreciated by all. A cantata given by the Lincoln school was also very well given and was very pleasing to the audience. Encouraging and zeal-inspiring speeches were made by Trustee Schmal ad Superintendent Heighway: Following are the names of the graduates:
District 1, Bessie Nelson, instructor -- Myron Born, Mary Born, John Wein, Vernon Stilson, Walter Spanier, Ernest Livingston.
District 3, Miss Ida Piepho, instructor -- Bernhard Russel, Henry Piepho, Alice Wassman, Elsie Wassman.
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