LaBelle, Mo., Feb.12, 1938
Editors Tribune:
Today finds me in a reminiscent state of mind and naturally scenes of my young manhood in Lowell flash through my brain. Among the many I can picture, happenings in which I recall the faces of many boyhood friends, a majority of which have passed on, leaving a few -- a very few -- to continue life's battles.
One picture that comes vividly to mind is that old Silver Cornet Band that enlivened the town in 1875 and 1876, the instructor being Owen E. Sutton, who later became famous as an arranger of band music.
The personnel of the band in 1876 was as follows:
Time has thinned this bunch out until I can recall only two or three who are still living. But 62 years is a long time, notwithstanding we can remember many happenings in Lowell as far back as 75 years ago.
C.W. Mulinex
(As far as we know, Charley, you are the only one of the band members now living -- Ed.)
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