from the Lowell Tribune, Sept. 7, 1983
Also found in the Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library--LH--"Crime and Criminals"
(Sixty Years Ago)
August 30, 1923
Two government men and several deputies from the Sheriff's office accompanied by Marshall Duckworth were out on a hunt for bootleggers Tuesday afternoon and they were successful. Marshall Duckworth informed the government men that they had a place spotted and they went in the place formerly owned by W.W. Sanders. It is now occupied by a foreigner named Steve. They informed him that he was wanted for making moonshine, but he denied the charge. Upon investigation, however, they found he was making the stuff on a large scale. They found a new still and about twenty barrels of mash all ready to run off. He was prepared to make the stuff in large quantities. Steve was arrested and taken to Crown Point and lodged in jail. His case will be tried before Judge Smith in the criminal court.