Eugene E. "Gene" Duckworth

The following unidentified newspaper article (ca. 1904) was found in a scrapbook owned by Betty Burton of Lowell:
The following April 22, 1920, Lowell Tribune article appeared on page 1:
This unidentified newspaper article was found in the Lowell Public Library clipping files:
Two Lowell Tribune articles about Mr. Duckworth appeard on September 25, 1931. This first article appeared on page 1, columns 5-6, and was continued on page 4:

* NOTE -- The 1877 newspaper version of the first murder within the town of Lowell spelled the names of the two men involved as "Blachley" and "Myers."

The second article appeared on page 4, column 2 of the same issue:

The following Lowell Tribune article, found in the Lowell Public Library local history clippings file was hand-dated Oct. 15, 1931 :
Last updated on October 25, 2007.

Go to Eugene Duckworth, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.
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