on the South Side of Commercial Avenue
corner of S. Fremont and Commercial was the police, fire, water and town hall
Martha Smith Hat Shop
Dr. James & Dr. Dinwiddie, DDS (above) / Sears Roebuck (below)
Pletcher/Spindler Firestone Store
K.A. Sheets Furniture
Bill Weaver Sinclair office
Bill Weaver Electric Shop
Red Devil Sandwich Shop
Ashtons Dress Shop
Buckley's Tavern
National Tea Grocery Store
Babe Tanner Barber (front) / Bib Hayden Insurance (behind)
Hattie Gorball Beauty Shop
Lowell National Bank
Sickinger's Jewelry Store
Roberts Drug Store
Bolt's I.G.A. Store
Dr. Davis medical office
Ritz Theater
Fred Minninger Toggery
A&P Grocery Store
Amidei's 5 & 10 Cent Store
Matt's Restaurant
Frick's Pool Hall (rooms above for single men)
Cullens Garage
Kalvaitis Beauty Shop
John Hepp Tavern (rooms above for single men)
Fred Van Arsdel Shell Gas Station
Emil Harding Tractors
George Hathaway (grocery and locker plant)
Jimmie Jensen Dairy
Walter Martin Ford Garage
Hal Weaver Sinclair Station
north side of Commercial
Ralph Hudson Garage
Ralph Hudson Electric
Ivy Nichols Hotel
Roy Pattee/ Johnson Gas Station
northeast corner of Liberty & Washington going east
Mrs. George Tyler grain elevator
Wilbur Lumber
Sorenson's Machinery
Cunningham Coal
Elvin Graves Machinery Shop
north side of Commercial at Halsted Street
Frank Graves Garage
Clayton Randolph Garage
Pick & Whistle Restaurant
James Combs Gas Station
on Mill Street
Belanger's Feed Mill
Ohlenkamps Machine Shop
Belanger John Deere
corner of Mill & Commercial going east
Max Wineburg Clothing
Levi Gard Tavern
Schrieber's Electric Shop
Roberts Law Office
Belshaw Law Office
Grant's Department Store with groceries / "Doc" Gilbert Law Office (above)
Frank Gullstrum Drugstore
on Clark Street
corner of Clark & Commercial going east
Corner Barber Shop (Fremond McCarty owner)
Ben Lynch Insurance
Harold Hueson Sweet Shop
Raymond McCarty Barber Shop
Amos Brannon Insurance
Home Supply Hardware Store
Johnson Second Hand Shop
Freida Cook's Gift Shop
Lowell Cleaners
Frank's Shoe Shop
Dr. Mirro & Dr. Bergen
Junior Nichol's had a repair shop by the railroad tracks.
Foreman Burns repair shop was back of Ohlenkamp's
Tom Smith Electric Repair Shop was in Bill Weaver's Sinclair, and Bob Burnham's Radio Repair Shop was in Bill Weaver's Electric Shop. (The changes in Bill Weaver's buildings may have happened later in 1948.