Guests were greeted by a welcome home sign in large gold letters, placed on the wall facing the entrance. Beneath this were placed the class banner and class motto, "love, labor, and laugh," in the class colors of blue and gold.
Mable Bahr, decoration chairman, decorated tables in the Halloween motif, with a large witch centering the head table and autumn leaves and jack-o-lanterns on all the tables. Nut cups, made to resemble witches caldrons were filled with nuts and Halloween candy.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation was given by the Rev. Stanley Rolston.
Dinner, featuring fried chicken and ham, was served by the Ladies Aid Society of the church.
Harold Sutton, master of ceremonies, spoke of the 201 years of the country and reminded classmates that they were still very much a part of its heritage as their lifetime has shared in one third of the 201 years.
Madge Rolston gave tribute to Ruth Hale Kaiser and Ruth Turner Dierks both of whom have passed away since the 1974 reunion. She recalled memories of both classmates.
Former teachers Wayne Cunningham, Grace Strickland and Ralph Oyler told happy and amusing events during their years as teachers to the class.
Correspondence from absent classmates was read by Helen Hayden and telephone calls received were reported on by Lyrrell Miller.
Each class member gave a resume of their past three years or reminiscences of their high school years.
All present signed a get-well card to be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Petry, who were injured in an auto accident in California and are now recuperating at their daughter's home in Los Angeles.
Door prizes were awarded to Velma Nomanson, Vera Stanley, Ruth Ullrich, Eleanor Kenney, Ella Einspahr and Mrs. Wayne Cunningham.
The next reunion will be in 1960.
Attending from Lowell were: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cunningham, Mrs. Grace Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Grace) Wooldrige, Mrs. Mable (Stadt) Bahr, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo (Vera Powell) Stanley, Mrs. Lucy (Dodge) Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Lillian) Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Lyrrell Taylor) Miller.
Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oyler, Wasaw; Rev. and Mrs. Stanley (Madge Blanchard) Rolston, Monticello; Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Ella) Einsphar, Sherburnville, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Don (Julie Burger) Ridge, Aurora, Ill.; Mr. Richard Howkinson, Monticello; Mrs. Helen (Burroughs) Hayden, Wilmington, Ill.; Miss Velma Nomanson and her sister, Miss Evelyn Nomanson, Crown Point; Mrs. Thelma (Wheeler) Becker, Crown Point and Mrs. Ruth (Meyer) Ullrich, Hammond.
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