The drought was broken by a rain and a snow thaw.
The first marriage in this county of which record was made, was that of Solomen Russel to Rosina Barnard, on the 8th day of March in 1837, "by the authority of a license issued from the Porter Circuit Court, to which this county was late attached."
The question of incorporating was being hotly discussed at Hebron.
Marriage licenses were issued from the clerk's office during the month of February to the following persons: E.E. Booth and Ida Hanna; P.Bohr and Anna Beirrigger; P. Kretz and Zida Gerald; A.E. Elser and Catherine S. Mack; J.G. Hoffman and Barbette M. Simonis; S.M. Webster and Henrietta Gabitzer; J. Rockendorf and Mary Dassel; S.Nichols and Flora Fowler; J. Stofer and Sarah E. Hipsley; P.M. Reed and Ellen G. Sanger; W.L. Hayden and Mary Edmonds.
Mr. Post was Lowell's postmaster.
Rev. T.H. Ball was preparing a history of Lake County which soon would be ready for distribution.
The paper contained a report of the proceedings of the county commissioners' court. The following were the county officers: J.M. Dwyer, recorder; J. Donch, sheriff; J. Krost, auditor; K.M. Burnham, A. Green and J. Burge, commissioners. E.C. Field was county attorney with a retaining fee of $25 per year.
Frank Cole was in the jewelry business in Lowell.
H.P. Robbins was town marshal.
During the month of April the county clerk issued marriage licenses to the following named persons; S.S. Cole and Alice M. Wheeler; George Bruckman and Esther Nichols; J. Wein, Jr., and Helen Austgen; M.S. Pelton and Ann E. Hall; S. Barthlomew and Almeda Hulburt; N. Scherer, Jr., and Catherine Seeberger; William A. Nichols and Curance Beebe; E.J. Marker and Mary Roper; S.C. Davis and Mary J. Garrison; M. Koerner and Gertrude Schweitzer; B. Wemler and Mary Sutter; J. Hartman and Dorothea Norman; George Day and Melissa A. Palmetier.
Marriage licenses were granted during May to the following named persons: B.H. Goulding and Martha A. Foster; O.B. Ross and Ida Davis; Seutzoff and Sophia Pitzenthaler; J.F. Rowins and Jennie S. Holton: A. Luk and Hannah Schubert; J.L. Thiel and Francis Dahlkamp; H.J. Thompson and Addie N. Sturgis; A. Spanier and Barbara Schmilt; S. Wachter and Barbara Schmal; J. Hohman and Eliza Heiman; M. Pfeifer and Margaretta Reber.
NOTE: The date March 22 actually had the year typed as "1872," although it was placed in the middle of information for 1873. Since the first half of the article was about 1872 (see "Lowell in 1872" for the date of July 3, 1952, it is unclear whether these items happened in 1872 or in 1873.
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