Topics of the Day In 1904
January 1904
Ernest E. Woodcock was town clerk.
Twin babies, a boy and a girl, were born to the wife of Addison Clark.
The deaths of Mrs. J.H. Spindler, son Burdette, her sisters, Mrs. Frady and Mrs. Rife, of Chicago, and 10 year old son of Mrs. Frady in the Iroquois Theatre fire in Chicago, December 30, 1903, shocked their friends and relatives in Lowell. 591 lost their lives. The play at the theatre was "Mr. Blue Beard."
Daniel Lynch was postmaster at Lowell.
February 1904
The senior class members of Lowell high school, wishing to have a pleasant sleighride, drove out to the home of W.H. Morey and wife. All had a good time playing flinch, ping pong, crokinole, etc. Those present were Leonard Minninger, Arthur Foster, Berdena Hale, R.L. Nelson (teacher), Mary Thompson, (teacher) Bessie Love, Lena Hepp, Olive Bates, Ruby Lynch, Clara Ebert, Ethel Davis, Edith Spalding and Charles Foley.
Mrs. Wooldrich of Crown Point visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Harris, several days the past week.
February 29, 1904
Florence Kuhn, although 12 years old (born on February 29), celebrated her 3rd birthday. Those present to help her celebrate were Mae McFarland, Maggie Wagin, Clayton Belshaw, Milford McNay, Stella Nichols, Beulah Nichols, Glen Dwyer, Alma Dumond, Ruby Stowell, Helen Woodcock, Anna Sanger, Irvin Ruge, Lizzie Berg, Agnes Berg, Walter Brownell, Laura Riggs, Madge Lynch, Lennis Bates, Bessie Griffith, Frances McFarland, August Kuhn, Evelyn Viant, Tommy Purchase, Gladys Brown, Grace Kniseley, Clara Kniseley, Neil Love, Bertie Nichols, McKinley Death, Harry Petrie, Blanchard Kenney, Lettie Powell, Beulah Death, Julia Nelson, Mary Dahlke, Ida Kimmet, Max Kuhn, Louisa Berg, Miss Nola Calkins, Mrs. Moxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Peters.
Henry Worley was elected township trustee of Cedar Creek and F.L. Sunderman of West Creek.
Byrl Grant, while running after a ball during a game on the baseball grounds, Sunday, fell and broke his leg. Dr. Davis attended him. He is getting along nicely at this time.
May 19, 1904
The Lowell high school ball team goes to East Chicago tomorrow for a game with the high school team of that city.
John Hack and son are busy doing ditch work on a number of ditches north and south of Lowell.
July 28, 1904
The game of ball played here on Friday between the star Bloomer Girls and the Lowell Seniors was an easy victory for our boys by a score of 16 - 5. The girls are a drawing card, however, as the gate receipts were $130; $104 went to the 'gals' and $26 to the boys. Albert Moxell umpired the game. The M.C.W. band furnished some fine music before and after the game. The lineups were as follows:
Seniors |
-- |
Bloomer Girls |
Nate Slusser |
rf |
G.Hawk |
Bert Wood |
ss |
W. McKenzie |
Herm Purdy |
cf |
L. Bennett |
Will Hepp |
c |
D. Lauglin |
Dan Lynch |
3b |
M. Day |
Ben Lynch |
2b |
K. Pfafflin |
Ernest Hurt |
p |
Maud Neilson |
Ernie Gragg |
1b |
G. Dunbar |
Len Calkins |
lf |
J. Murray |
Struck out: by Hurt, 8; by Nelson, 5.
Score by Innings:
-- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
-- |
Seniors |
0 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
4 |
-- |
16 |
B. Girls |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
September 29, 1904
The annual meeting of the Lowell Horse Detective Assn. will occur in the Lowell opera house on Saturday, October 15. Those that wish to join are requested to be present at this meeting. There should be an awakening of this very useful organization.