Copied from newspaper articles in a scrapbook owned by Richard C. Schmal, Lowell Town Historian. Unknown source. News article was undated.
Funeral of Dr. Davis
DR. J.E. DAVIS This pleasant mannered practitioner established his home and office here according to memory of this narrator within the decade of the 1870's, the early location of which was on the south side of the County Road, facing the Dr. Bacon home. He reared a fine family, the elder of which was appropriately named Achilles (giant-like mentally) who followed the profession of his father, but who established his practice in Chicago, and was recognized as a leading surgeon. His father, who is the subject of this sketch was often associated with his near neighbor, Dr. Bacon, in some extreme cases, which either one may have had, and it is remembered that these two established a liquor curing establishment in the 1890's, a further benefit to addicts.
Dr. Davis was recognized as was his usual associate, Dr. Bacon, as a careful and tender manipulator in anatomy.
One simple instance of the former is remembered by the personal presence of this narrator, when a very young girl in an accident wrenched her little arm evidently displacing a certain ligament. This doctor gently examined the sprain, then handed her a silver coin and told her she cold have it by reaching quickly for it with the hand of her injured arm, in such a manner as to replace the ligaments, and she responded according to his suggestion, and "presto!" the arm was cured the same day the accident occurred.
This doctor passed away in the first quarter of the present century.
Go to John Elkanah Davis, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.
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