Eponetus Reed Bacon (1840-1906)

According to an Internet database on Illinois Civil War veterans, Epenetus R. Bacon was in Company C. of the 100th Illinois Infantry. (Note the different spelling of the first name.) His residence at that time was listed as Lockport.

The Lowell Star, Aug. 17, 1872, page 5, column 3, had a list of soldiers who were supporters of Grant in that election. Among them was E.R. Bacon of the 100th Ill.

This information comes from the Sept. 14, 1872, Lowell Star, page 5, column 2:

from the Lowell Star, October 12, 1872, page 5, column 1:

According to a newspaper story, Dr. Bacon lost two barns worth $1,000 in Lowell's great 1898 fire in the business district.

From Ball, T.H., editor. Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana with a Compendium of History 1834-1904. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1904. pp. 528-529:

from Goodspeed, Weston A., ed. Counties of Porter and Lake Indiana. Chicago: F.A. Battery & Co., 1882. p. 637-638:
Obituary of Dr. E.R. Bacon, unknown source in Clipping Files at Lowell Public Library (LH--"Vital Statistics," Vol. 2, p. 46):
This March 20, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, columns 3-4:
Last updated on February 14, 2012.

Go to Eponetus Reed Bacon, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.

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