Henry Harrison Ragon (1837-1918)

The following information comes from the Surprise family CD-Rom created by Janet Umlauf:

Dan Masters, the 144th Ohio Regimental Historian e-mailed the following information in July 2001. Note that he says Mr. Ragon was captain of Company A (not Company C, as it states in local obituaries) of the 144th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The parts of his e-mails pertaining to Mr. Ragon follow, as does a letter written by Mr. Ragon:

Captain Henry H. Ragon Letter, Co.A 144th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Originally published in the Wyandot Pioneer, August 19, 1864, p.2

The following May 25, 1901, Lowell Souvenir article was found on page 9, column 3:

A June 1, 1901, Lowell Souvenir artilce (page 9, column 3) on Decoration Day in Lowell mentioned an "interesting address on 'Andersonville as it was and is today,' by H.H. Ragon, who recently visited that historic prison pen."

A January 18, 1902, Lowell Souvenir article (page 5, column 3) mentioned that Commander H.H. Ragon would give an address at the annual Camp Fire of Burnham Post, G.A.R., to be held at the Opera House on the 25th of the month.

The following May 16, 1903, Lowell Souvenir article was found on page 3, column 1:
The following unidentified newspaper articles were in a collection owned by Lowell Town Historian Richard Schmal:

This obituary from an unknown source was found in the Local History Files at Lowell Public Library (LH--Vital Statistics, v.2, p. 41):

* NOTE -- Eliza Hartsough's last name was spelled "Hartslough" on a photo from another source.

A copy of this Lowell Tribune article (Aug. 28, 1952, page 25, the Centennial Edition) can be found in the Local History Files at the Lowell Public Library (LH--Vital Statistics, vol. 4, page 61). The last three paragraphs of this obituary, which were not in the Library file, were in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal.:

Last updated on March 20, 2008.

Go to Henry H. Ragon, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.

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