The following newpaper article, hand identified as from a Feb. 1, 1934, Lowell Tribune, was found in clipping files at the Lowell Public Library:
Lowell was visited by robbers some time early yesterday morning. In every instance they entered thru the front door. Doors were pried open with a crowbar. Safes which were opened had the combinations knocked off. At the Graves garage they could not open the safe and it had been blown open with explosives. At the postoffice they got about $200 in cash and about $300 in stamps; about $10 at Hayhursts, $30 at Graves, $3.10 at the depot, $3 or $4 at the West Side Hardware, and at the Miller garage $60 to $70. The same night someone broke into the Samuel Sirois and Son hardware store at Shelby, but they got nothing for the work, as no cash was left at the store.