Dr. James A. Wood, Sr. (1814-1898)

The Lowell Star, Aug. 17, 1872, page 5, column 3, had a list of soldiers who were supporters of Grant in that election. Among them was Dr. Wood of the 12th Ind. Cavalry.

from Goodspeed, Weston A., ed. Counties of Porter and Lake Indiana. Chicago: F.A. Battery & Co., 1882. p. 664.

This information was found on pages 98-99 of the Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana, with a Compendium of History, 1834-1904 by the Rev. T.H. Ball. It was published in 1904:
from Howat, William Frederick, M.D., editor. A Standard History of Lake County, Indiana and the Calumet Region. 2 vols. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1915. p. 241-2:
The following March 6, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, columns 3-4:
Last updated on March 27, 2009.

Go to Dr. James A. Wood, "Pioneer History Index," for further information.

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