Lowell High School
C. A. Grayson, Superintendent
A.E. Botkin, Principal
Glenn Dunbar, Agriculture
M.S. Gardiner, Science
Mildred Kenyon, Domestic Science
Nadine Sheehan, English and History
Lucille Porter, Latin
Alice M. Engels, Commercial
Winifred Boyle, English
Mary Bailey, Music
Lowell Grade School
Marlon Nelson, 1st grade
Lois Berdine, 2nd grade
Jeannette Hotchkiss, 3rd grade
Pauline Kelsey, 5th grade
Departmental --
Nellie Downham
Morris Newby
Merle Goodwin, Principal
West Creek Township
Schneider --
Roy A. Black, 7th and 8th
Marion Nichols, 5th and 6th
Edith O. Foster, 3rd and 4th
Grace M. Gassett, 1st and 2nd
Oakland --
Murray B. Hayden
Susie M. Church
Hilda M. Wille
Lake Prairie --
T.A. Hayden
Ethel Vinnedge
Sheridan --
Fred McRoberts
Hilda Dahl
Creston -- Ella Bronwell*
Music -- Mary S. Bailey
Cedar Creek Township
Shelby --
Herbert Prage
Hazel Brown
Hazel Mattox
Zella Bess
Egypt -- Ethel Zinn
Orchard Grove -- Carl Miller
Robinson Prairie -- H.J. Hamman
Jones --
Henrietta Gilliand
Helen Vinnedge
* NOTE -- Ella "Bronwell," listed as the teacher from Creston in this article, was probably the Ella "Brownell," mentioned in a Creston history by Ethel A. Vinnedge.
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