
The following July 3, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, columns 3-4, and continued on page 3, columns 1-3:
Ethel Vinnedge's "History" continued in the July 10, 1952, Lowell Tribune on page 1, columns 3-4 and section 2, page 2, columns 1-5: NOTE:
Some, but not all, of the names of the 1800's veterans listed in this essay are found on the 1905 Three Creeks Monument on Commercial Street. This essay lists a Robert L. Fuller who died in 1863; the monument show a Robert W. Fuller, who died Aug. 1, 1863. There is a possibility that there may have been an error, either on the monument or in the newspaper, and these two names actually indicate one and the same man.

Ethel Vinnedge continued her "History" in the July 17, 1952, Lowell Tribune on page 1, columns 2-3 and section 2, page 4, columns 2-6:

[* NOTE -- Town Historian Richard Schmal adds this note of explanation: "Whoever wrote that ("Creston. Formerly West Point, Settled in 1836") was mixed up a bit. I can understand why. Pioneer McCarty settled in the Creston area but planned the town of West Point before Lake County was a county. His town would have been near the corner of Morse Street and 133rd Ave at Cedar Lake -- often called "Coleman's Corner" -- about two miles north of Creston. The Creston area was formerly Tinkerville. West Point was only on paper. The article could be very confusing to some.]
More Creston history appeared in the August 28, 1952, Lowell Tribune on page 9, columns 1-2:
Last updated on February 23, 2009.

Go to Richard Schmal's article, "Tinkerville/Creston" for further information.
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