This unidentified newspaper article, hand-dated June 1943, was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:
Atty. V.K. Roberts, in examining an abstract of title a few days ago, discovered that the election for the incorporation of the town was held on June 27, 1868, which makes the 75th anniversary of the incorporation fall on June 27th next. The report of the election was not made until Sept. 9, 1868, almost four months later. We do not know whether the name Lowell was adopted before that time or not, but we have heard from older residents that before the Monon railroad was built, mail and freight were brought here from Crown Point, as well as Chicago, and the address for mail to reach residents here was Outlet Postoffice, Crown Point, Lake County, Ind. At that time the postoffice and store was located about where the Mrs. Paul Mahler residence is east of town. When the founder of the town, M.A. Halsted built the dam to run the saw mill and grist mill, the town site was moved to where it is today. Well do we remember the good times the kids had around the old mill pond formed by this dam, both winter and summer.