The Cedar Creek Township caucus for the nomination of township officers to be voted for next November came off last Saturday afternoon. The vote resulted in the choosing of Tom Grant for trustee; William M. McCarty, assessor; Lester Wallace, Bartha Mitch, James Reed and Henry Worley, road supervisors.
Geo. W. Ragon of Lafayette, O., arrived in town Tuesday on the 10:30 a.m. train for a visit with his brother, H.H. Ragon, and sister, Mrs. John Tilton and other relatives and friends here.
Henry Surprise and wife and grandson left Tuesday morning for Horace, Kansas, where they go to visit their son Will and family. They expect to be gone about two weeks.
Miss Mae Bryant accompanied by her sister, Belle Bryant, came down from Chicago Monday evening. She will stay with Mrs. Judd Hayden.
Charlie Castle and wife, Mrs. Katie Handley and Dr. Bacon were Chicago visitors Monday.
Miss Mollie Love went to Valparaiso Monday where she will attend the Normal school.
One of the happiest days in the life of the old editor was last Monday, August 27th, when a reunion of members of his two companies; Co. H of the 55th O.V.V.I. and Co. A of the 144th O.V.V.I. took place at his home in Lowell. Seventy-five invitations were sent out, to which four from each company responded, bringing their families from various points in Ohio and Illinois. Many letters of regret were read, reasons given were age and poor health. A very sumptuous dinner was served by Mrs. H.H. Ragon at noon, and to quote the "boys" it was fully one hundred percent better than they could forage off the natives "while marching through Georgia." It was a perfect day, so after dinner, the boys gathered in the shade of the old oak and indulged in social conversation. The ladies took possession of the parlor, renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. At 4 p.m., the guests returned to the dining room for ice cream, cake, and watermelon. The host was the recipient of a fine easy rocking chair which was presented by Prof. Sheets in a neat little speech. W.H. Hayward of Crown Point took pictures of those present, arranging the comrades of Co. H. on the right side of Capt. Ragon and those of Co. A. on the left of him. (Note: this reunion was held in their home on Clark Street, three doors north of their son, Cordie's, home. The old H.H. Ragon residence is now occupied by Milton Harris.)
Mrs. Hannah Dahl of Crown Point Sundayed with her parents.
Henry Geirish is visiting friends at Bonfield, Illinois.
Mrs. C.A. Burhans was very sick last week but is rapidly improving at this writing
School began Monday morning with a fair attendance.
R.W. Bacon of Lowell was selling nursery stock hereabouts the first of the week.
Christmas specialities
Elegant line of men's fancy ties for Xmas trade from 25¢ up. Men's fancy suspenders, 25¢ up. Men's mufflers in new shapes, swell line, in all silk, quilted backs, etc., 48¢ up. Elegant line ladies fancy skirts, would make desirable presents, from 28¢ up. Fascinators, good wool, large size, 98¢. Dolls from the cheapest to the best, we start them at 5¢. Games: Chess, India Krokonole, Royal India Parcheesi, 5¢ up. Albums in plush and celluloid, 48¢ up. Ladies comb, brush, mirror and tray sets, complete, $1.65 up. Fancy plates, we start them from 9¢ up. Fancy cups and saucers, 13¢ up. China Cuspidors in new shades and designs, 48¢ up. New style shaving mugs, very pretty, from 13¢ up. Gentlemen's cups in plain and mustache, all the new designs, from 23¢ up. Conversation cups, entirely new, 65¢. Vases, all foreign importations, we show just the up to date ones, from 33¢ up. Pretty gift boks in Dresden effects, white and gold, 25¢. Sterling silver mustache combs, $1.00 value, 59¢. Rogers 1847 No. 12 knives and forks cheaper than ever before, sold per set, $3.69. Children's sleds, 48¢ up. Children's writing desks, hardwood with 2 black boards, 98¢. Fancy hand roasted peanuts, per pound, 5¢. Mixed candy, all kinds and qualities, per pound, 5¢. New crop almonds, fancy pick, per pound only 23¢. English walnuts, new crop per pound, 14¢. Fancy box candy, per box, 25¢ up.
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