The following list of 1943 businesses was compiled by Fremond McCarty:
on the South Side of Commercial Avenue
Martha Smith hat shop
Sears Roebuck & Co. / Dr. Abbott Dinwiddie, dentist (above)
Burke's Beauty Parlour
K.A. Sheets furniture W.W. Bartz Royal Blue Grocery
Morris Gilbert
Leon Minninger garage
Ashton dress shop
Buckley's Tavern
National Tea Co. grocery, Mr. Gordon manager Babe Tanner barber shop / (behind) Bib Hayden, insurance
Harriet Clark's beauty shop
alley Lowell National Bank
Henry Sickinger jewelry
Hunter's Drug Store, Keith Hunter owner
Bolt's I.G.A., Glenn Bolt owner
Dr. Neil Davis, GP
Pat Byrnes, Lowell movie theater Fred Minninger men's clothing
A&P Store, Wm. Clark manager
Amidei's 5 & 10 store
Trump's Cafe, Claude & Mae Trump owners
Cypher's Cafe
pool hall
Main Garage, owner Jim Brannock, rented by Bob Cullen to house worker's buses. (WWII gas rationing and
workers needed to get to the mills for production of war equipment.)
John Gray's barber shop
John Hepp's Tavern
Harold Bruckman filling station
Emil Harding machinery sales and service
George Hathaway Market
Goodwin Johnson hardware John Miller Ford garage
Hal Weaver filling station
north side
Ralph Hudson garage
Tom Yates blacksmith
Bert Hayden hatchery
A.B. Hayhurst hotel
Eldon Miller filling station
railroad Clayton Randolph garage
Berdine's garage Harold Heuson Pick & Whistle restaurant
Bill Weaver oil office
Bernie Roy filling station V.K. & John Roberts law
Edward Belshaw, law
Grant Bros. department store, dry goods, shoes, sewing essentials, groceries / Dr. Behemlander dentist (above)
Scritchfield Drugs
Clark Street
Corner Barber Shop, Fremond McCarty owner Ben Lynch insurance office
A.B. Hayhurst candy store
R.C. McCarty, barber Amos Brannon insurance
vacant building
Goodwill store Ty Alyea cleaning
shoe shop repair
Dr. Mirro, GP (building set back from street next to Dr. Bacon's home)