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Have you ever wished you had an ENTIRE day to yourself so that you could finish a project? And, you wouldn’t have to do dishes, answer the phone or watch the kids, and could just dedicate yourself to your unfinished (or new) project without interruptions! Perhaps that project is a book, a model airplane, a hand-knitted baby blanket, or a 1,000-piece puzzle. Maybe all you need is a place to wrap gifts.
We have your solution at the Lowell Public Library. UFO Day at the library is dedicated to your ‘unfinished objects’. Bring your lunch or snacks and you’ll be able to work on whatever you want, here at the library, all day between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM.
This event is for adults and seniors only. Participants must pre-register to guarantee a table and the space to work on their UFOs!