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Patron Responsibilities

Lowell Public Library

Board Policy Manual

Section: 60.000

(Patron Responsibilities Policy PDF)

Patron Responsibilities

  1. To better serve all library patrons, the library Board of Trustees has established certain standards of acceptable behavior to maintain an atmosphere which promotes the use and enjoyment of the resources and services of the library and which protects the safety of the general public, the library staff and the equipment and materials of the library.
  2. Any activity which interferes with the rights of other patrons to use the library, which could result in physical, emotional, or mental injury to oneself or could result in damage to the facilities, equipment, or materials of the library, is considered disruptive and unacceptable. The library reserves the right to require anyone who violates these rules of conduct to leave the premises. If the person is threatening, or refuses to leave, the police may be called. Unlawful activities will be reported to the police and when appropriate, violators will be subject to arrest.
  3. Patrons are responsible for the proper and careful use of library material, for returning checked-out materials on time and for behaving in a manner consistent with library policy. Patrons are to come appropriately dressed. A person may be requested to leave the library if his/her personal hygiene interferes with the orderly operation of the library or with the ability of other patrons to use and enjoy the facility.
  4. The following are examples of behaviors that are not permitted and may result in immediate expulsion from the library:
    1. Behaving in a disruptive manner
    2. Loitering
    3. Running and playing
    4. Sleeping
    5. Soliciting
    6. Beverages without a lid
    7. Messy food
    8. Using abusive or obscene language or gestures
    9. The use or possession of illegal drugs
    10. Using tobacco/e-smoking devices
    11. Entering the library property while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    12. Excessive displays of affection
    13. Any form of sexual misconduct, including but not limited to, exposure, offensive touching, stalking or sexual harassment of other patrons or staff
    14. Using listening equipment at a level that can disturb other individuals
    15. Internet policies as designated in Section: 50.700
    16. Removing library materials without first checking them out at the circulation desk. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, personal listening equipment, etc., for library material.

Policy Revision Dates

Revised: June 23, 2003

Revised: September 20, 2021

Revised: August 15, 2022

Reviewed: February 20, 2024